Apr 16, 2023

Agile vs Strategy

Agile vs Strategy

The word "agile" is now everywhere in the business world these days. It's been overused. It's almost lost its meaning. It might even trigger you.

Somehow, the idea of being "agile" has become synonymous with constantly changing one's mind.

While agile practices focus on flexibility, having a clear strategy provides direction and clarity, which is vital for making informed decisions and guiding the team effectively.

The issue is that the concept of agility is frequently used to disguise a lack of product strategy.

Instead of spending time understanding the context and challenges and developing a strategy, some companies still use the term "agile" as an excuse to make quick emotional decisions without any real thought.

Agility should be about being able to respond quickly (with minimal or no disruptions in the business) to changes in the market.

Let's remember that agility is a product delivery methodology. It's not a strategy.
About Max Antonov
I’m Max, a father of two, Product Director & Product Coach from Sydney. I write about leadership, product management, business and life.
Feel free to reach out: [email protected].
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