Head of Product @ Backpocket and a Product Coach. I write about product management and random topics that are on my mind. You can find me on Twitter, Substack, LinkedIn or Goodreads

Jul 5, 2024

From Code to Product Manager: 7 Lessons

The transition from being a software engineer to a product manager wasn’t swift or smooth for me. I stumbled, burned out, and had to dive into countless books and relentless practice. Here are 7 things I wish I could have done better when I transitioned to Product Manager. 1. Adjusting to Different Work DynamicsAs a software engineer, you can se...

Jul 4, 2024

Managing My Week with a Notion Board

I use Notion to plan and manage my week and I'll take you through the process step-by-step. You can get the Notion Template here. Setting Up Your WeekOn Friday or Monday morning, I reflect on the priorities and goals that my team and I need to achieve. I then outline 1-3 of these goals and add them to my Notion Board. To ensure I have time and sp...

Jun 28, 2024

3 Quick Tips for Better Teamwork

So you want to build a stronger, faster team? Here are 3 quick tips for better teamwork that you can implement today: 1. Transparency = Faster ImprovementsShow the team that it's okay to make mistakes. A good place to start is with yourself. Share your own mistakes with your team, especially when your boss is there too. When your boss suggests...

Jun 25, 2024

The Role Overlap Between PM and PD

Roles in product and design teams often overlap. Both product managers and product designers talk to customers, come up with feature ideas, and suggest UX improvements. However, these overlaps can sometimes lead to conflict and frustration. The solution is quite simple. If you're a product manager and your product designer is doing a great job, ...

Jun 23, 2024

Why Do I Run?

I used to play soccer, where running was an integral part of both training and the game. However, I never saw the appeal of going for a jog just for the sake of it. We had to run 6km as a warm-up before training started, and that was enough for me. Now that I've retired from soccer, the desire to run has recently rekindled within me. At first,...

Jun 22, 2024

Why You Should Join a Small Tech Business

When you work in a small tech business or a startup, one of the pros is that you are involved in all aspects of the business, from strategy to customer service. In our team at Backpocket, when we make a change (any change, really), we have to consider the customer experience (both B2B and B2C), the impact on the team, regulations, copy/messaging, ...

Jun 14, 2024

The CEO Code, The Unit of Impact, Lighthouse Customers, Strategy & Operations and Strategy Narrative

Key Takeaways #2 #1 The CEO CodeGoing through my notes from various books, I found this one from "The CEO Code" particularly interesting because it highlights the importance of accessibility and personal connection in leadership. However, there’s an aspect that I don’t like. It implies people stayed in the office late instead of spending time wi...

Jun 13, 2024

Product-Led Growth vs. Sales-Led Growth

I spoke to someone about sales-led vs. product-led organisations today. I used to be in the product-led camp, but not anymore. Today, I think differently. As with anything in the world, it's not that simple — the choice depends on the context. Sometimes you need to be tactical and assist sales in closing deals to 'buy some time' for continuing ex...

May 30, 2024

Indie Hacker Habits

You might not know Tony Dinh, Danny Postma, Pieter Levels or Marc Lou. But they are successful indie hackers and solopreneurs. Here’s what they do really well: ☑ They share their wins and losses on social media. ☑ They start small and move fast. If a product flops, they move on. ☑ They see failure as a lesson and aren't scared to change directio...

May 6, 2024

The Effective Manager, How to Pivot, Thick Skin, Team Alignment and Ship First

Key Takeaways #1 #1 The Effective ManagerTake care of your team, set goals, and help them achieve those goals. The definition of an effective manager is one who gets results and keeps their people. Your first responsibility is to deliver whatever results your organisation expects from you. Your second responsibility as a manager is to retain your ...