Apr 15, 2023

No-Reply Emails

No-Reply Emails

Have you ever received an email from a service or business that you wanted to reply to because you had a burning question? But then discovered it came from a "no-reply" address?

Did a mixture of "Argh!" and "F*ck!" escape your lips? And the idea of going to their website, finding the "Contact Us" section, and filling out a form felt like yet another task you don't need in your life.

I can't help but wonder why businesses still opt for these impersonal "Don't ask me anything" email addresses.
  • Is it a deliberate choice?
  • Or is it due to operational or technical constraints?
  • Or perhaps it's a limitation of the email platform.
  • Or maybe the intention is to prevent customers from flooding the inbox with unnecessary responses, thereby reducing operational costs.

I believe that businesses should abandon the use of "no-reply" email addresses. Instead, they should always communicate with customers through an address that invites replies and guarantees a response.

Remove the barriers for customers to send feedback, ask questions, or even express gratitude for excellent service.
About Max Antonov
I’m Max - a father of two, Product Director and Product Coach from Sydney. I write about leadership, product management and personal topics.
Feel free to reach out: [email protected].
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