I’m Max, a father of two, Product Director & Product Coach from Sydney. I write about leadership, product management and life.
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  1. Dec 20, 2015

    Building a Thinking Team Culture

    When a product leader decides to forge a new feature or even build a new product it’s a good idea to brief the team and draw a couple of diagrams on a whiteboard. What does your team do next though?
    I bet the chances are the devs have already started thinking about technical implementation, the designers are creating UI elements in their heads, and the testers are coming up with scenarios to break whatever they can.

    At that point interru... read more

  2. Four Ways to Develop a Good Reading Habit

    I’ve never read more than 15–20 books in a year. One of the excuses I had was that I’m a very busy person — with 2 children, a full-time job, a local soccer team I play for, plus a million other things to do.
    Last year, I set a goal to read 36 books. My objective was to learn more about leadership, business, product management and, of course, enjoy a few fiction books (sorry, “Fifty Shades of Grey” isn’t one of them).
    What’s more, I realised my a... read more

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